The fantastic work of Surrey Youth League was recognised at Wembley on Monday 4th September by The FA, as The Respect Awards were hosted in tandem with England’s World Cup Qualifier against Slovakia.

Surrey Youth League’s work to pilot ‘Pitch Marshalls’ throughout their league has helped produce fantastic results in terms of the behaviour of everyone involved with the grassroots league, and ultimately lead to them picking up the Respect Award in the ‘League’ category.
The Respect Award follows the success of another national award from The FA this year, as the Surrey Youth League incredibly scooped the Charter Standard League of The Year award in The FA Community Awards.
“We are incredibly proud to have the Surrey Youth League as one of the leagues in our county”, says Caroline McRoyall, Chief Executive for Surrey FA.
“Their forward-thinking and innovative approach to football is really commendable and we’re delighted for them that this has been recognised on a national scale.
“The Respect Awards symbolise an important area of the grassroots game that we are all striving towards improving, and through their outstanding work in this field, Surrey Youth League are setting an example for leagues in Surrey, and indeed, around the country, to be following.”
Nathan French, National Respect Project Manager for The FA was full of praise for the Surrey Youth League. “I’ve really enjoyed working with Graham and the Surrey Youth League since coming in to post seven months ago, they are leading on some fantastic work and making a real difference”, said Nathan.
“Creating positive, safe and inclusive match day environments is really important and the league is clearly making great strides forwards in achieving this.”
“We have seen a dramatic decrease in pitch side misconduct,” says Graham Ekins, Chairman of the Surrey Youth League. “The league is so proud to accept this award on behalf of all the hard working committee members and all the clubs that worked so hard to achieve this national recognition.”
“Creating positive, safe and inclusive match day environments is really important and the league is clearly making great strides forwards in achieving this.”
“We have seen a dramatic decrease in pitch side misconduct,” says Graham Ekins, Chairman of the Surrey Youth League. “The league is so proud to accept this award on behalf of all the hard working committee members and all the clubs that worked so hard to achieve this national recognition.”
For more information on The FA’s Respect scheme, please head to http://www.thefa.com/get-involved/player/respect.
For More Information Please Contact:
Luke Lambourne, Marketing & Communications Officer
E: Luke.Lambourne@SurreyFA.com | T: 01372 384 747 | M: 07940 232 709
Luke Lambourne, Marketing & Communications Officer
E: Luke.Lambourne@SurreyFA.com | T: 01372 384 747 | M: 07940 232 709