Development Football is now played from U7 – U11.
The season is split into different Development formats depending upon age.
In the table below you will see the proposed Development and Small Competition matches for the age groups.
The Team Groups below apply to the Development Football only. The Small Competition Matches will be defined nearer the season start, and of course throughout the season.
Please look at the development groups let me know if you have any strong views at the moment as to whether the capability of your teams is wrong.
Please give a full rationale as to the basis of request, then contact, via email, Darren Pasley [Fixture Operations] & Frank Thompson [General Secretary]
click here to view version 4 released 12/08/18
Please find below the Competitive league formats for the 2018 / 2019 Season – Age Groups U12 – U18.
The Leagues are formulated by the League General Secretary and The Fixture Operations Officers, this is based on the final league positioning from last season, personal preferences of teams and an assessment of standard of new teams joining the league.
We are as confident as we can be that we have positioned teams in leagues that should give all teams the ability to fairly compete in a standard, bearing all the above factors in mind. We have worked hard to grant all your wishes and where possible place you in the ability that you requested. Sadly we have not been able to please absolutely everyone with their exact requests, we suspect that some new entrant teams will be disappointed.
Please look carefully and where you believe there are mistakes in team names or a genuine belief that we have made a mistake in positioning a team, please give a full rationale as to the basis of request, then contact, via email, Darren Pasley (, Copy Frank Thompson (, Copy Graham Ekins (
This is only the start, the first step, we are generally able to align requests. Further operational detail of the U12 and U13 Transition Leagues will be sent to Club Secretaries. Once we have assessed a number of requests we will republish any changes around early July as we will get withdrawals along with requests to go up and some to come down. We will make no promises, but we will try.
click here to view Competitive divisions version 4 released 09/07/18