Hi Everyone
Please find below a link for the results of the survey that over 1100 members of league participated in.
When we run such a focused pilot, in trying to improve the Sunday Morning experience, we will naturally come up against diverse views and uncertainty. You can draw your own conclusions from the survey, but I think the final side does give me the confidence that 95% of you believe that we continue next season.
To take onboard these results and another survey that club secretaries completed, the league will be holding a workshop for clubs in March to gather further idea’s on how we can improve.
The powerpoint file can be downloaded by clicking SYL Respect Survey Results Feb 2017. Some of the text is a little small in places, my apologies for this, but I felt it better to get this out and not spend so much time on the aesthetics.
A big thank you to everyone who took their time to complete the survey
Graham Ekins
SYL Chairman