SYL Respect Pilot – Participants Half Season Feedback Survey
As a participant in the Surrey Youth League (Club Official, Referee, Manager / Assistant, Pitch Marshall, Linesman, Parent) can you please take the time to complete the survey below.
As a league we are pushing for improvements of behaviour and respect from the touchline. As you maybe aware we are running a pilot with Pitch Marshalls and enhanced reporting. At the midway point of the season we are keen to gather as much information about your feelings on the pilot. This will be used to gauge how we move forward or not with the campaign next season.
The Survey is tailored into 6 area’s:-
- Referees
- Managers & Assistants
- Pitch Marshalls
- Linesman
- Parents and Spectators
- Club Officials
Each area, depending on what you select is focused on your area of the pilot, with everyone completing the same “Overall Impression” section at the end.. The survey can be taken anonymously if you so wish.
This is the link to use:- SYL Respect Pilot – Participants Half Season Feedback Survey
I would be hopeful with 12,000 children in the league we can get a great response to this survey.The survey will close on Friday 20th January.
Please help us to make the Sunday morning experience even better.
Graham Ekins
SYL Chairman