Registrations – update 17/Sept/21

Hi All

We are still missing some images for players that were registered on WGS and transported over, this is mainly new players or players who have a slight variation on name, David vs Dave for example. If when printing your squad lists you notice a player only has an SYL logo, please send me the players image.

When sending images please name the image the same as the player and if sending more than one email please change the subject line to match as yahoo mail clumps all emails with the same subject line together and I wouldn’t like to miss any.

Also as I am sure you are aware we lowered the acceptable image standards in order to get everyone registered in time for the start of the season. Despite many hours cropping some images are still unacceptable and may not look like the player when printed. If you have any that you would like to update, please follow the image sending guidance above.

Please note moving forward we will be expecting images to meet the required standard, these are that images are square, they are a head and shoulders shot, do not contain other people, do not contain hats, sunglasses ear pods etc. Further guidance on what is acceptable can be found on the SYL registration tips page.

Transfers – as we are currently using PS the transfer request process has not changed from previous years. You email the current club with the 7 day approach once the 7 days are up or you have approval from the club you complete the transfer form that can be found on the SYL website and email it to me. I then email the current club and give them at least 3 days to raise objections. After this the transfer is then completed, you will of course be notified when it is completed and do not need to chase everyday.


Internal transfers – for internal transfer please just email me the players name, PS number and team they are moving to/from.


I will shortly be looking at squad sizes to ensure all squads are lower than the maximum numbers allowed. I will be emailing any club over the numbers individually. Should you need to double check squad sizes please see the SYL website.  If you know you are close to the maximum and would like to transfer players to other teams, please follow the internal transfer guidance above.





Debbie Lomax  –

SYL Registration Secretary

FA Respect awards given to the Surrey youth league