The pricing is structured to incentivise clubs to attend any Registration meeting, while paying a premium for registering by post before the start of the season and then throughout the season registrations are cheaper, saving clubs more money.
Thursday | 30 June 2016 | REGISTRATION NIGHT | 18:30 | 20:00 |
Monday | 18 July 2016 | REGISTRATION NIGHT | 18:30 | 20:00 |
Monday | 25 July 2016 | REGISTRATION NIGHT | 18:30 | 20:00 |
Thursday | 28 July 2016 | REGISTRATION NIGHT | 18:30 | 20:00 |
Monday | 15 August 2016 | REGISTRATION NIGHT | 18:30 | 20:00 |
U7 / U8 Free until 30th November thereafter £2.50 per player
U9 / U10 / U11 (Surgery Registrations) Free until 30th June thereafter as per All Other Age Groups
All other Age Groups (Surgery Registrations) £2.50 per player until 31st July then £5.00 per player until 15th August
Postal Registrations 16th August – 11th September £7.50 per player thereafter £5.00 per player.
What to get a head start on signing players for next season ? download the team registration form