The Surrey Youth League is pleased to announce that it is holding its inaugural Referee Forum on Fri 13th October at Imber Court and has secured as a Guest Speaker Dermot Gallagher a former Premier League and Fifa referee and nowadays a Sky Sports referee analyst.
The Forum is being introduced to help all of the new referees on their first steps on the ladder, but we would like all Surrey Youth league referees of any background and our local referee societies – .to enjoy an evening with Dermot and a few other guests, we are hoping that Craig Hicks a Surrey Based referee who is now Football League appointed will also attend.
The evening will include some educational pieces, update of respect within the league. Friday is unavoidable as it has to work with a number of diaries, but we do hope you can attend. Maybe the league can get some new recruits, and maybe the societies can recruit some new members
Please click on the following link to confirm your attendance.
Attached HERE is a flyer with some further information