Prawn Sandwich 2019 – 2020 Configuration & Registration Guidance
Dear Club Secretary
For our existing clubs / secretaries Prawn Sandwich will this season be far simpler configuring for the new season.
For all new clubs or those that need a reminder please see attached information guides. This includes Log in information for new club secretaries, or changes of club secretaries.
For Existing Clubs the following will apply.
- For all Club secretaries continuing this season, your userid and password remain the same
- New Club secretaries will receive their credential to the club’s registered email address with the SYL
- Please delete all staff that are no longer with your club
- You can also fill in the general club details such as colours, and County FA registration numbers, Charter Status etc.
- Your Teams will be added to Prawn Sandwich by the League, we intend to have this completed by 10th You will not be able to add or delete teams this season. If a team withdraws please contact and ensure is also copied in.
- Once we have added the teams, we will tell all club secretaries, you can then assign the Mangers and Assistants to Teams, instructions are in the Full Instructions attached.
- You now only have the players to register & configure. Please take note of the following:-
- For Players staying at the same club then you will find the player in your clubs database, just assign the player to the team and tick the “Request Registration” box and “Click to save”.
- For all New Players to a club, those joining from inside or from outside of the SYL, you will have to follow the full PS registration process for those players.
- This season you will be required to upload player photographs and the email address of the players Parent/Guardian to be able to obtain consent for that player to play for your club
It’s a year since many of you used the administration area of Prawn Sandwich so please email if in any doubt and we can help, it’s far easier to deal with queries than people struggle and get into difficulty..
For Support please contact
Click PS Club secretaries guide
SYL registration parent consent instructions