Trophy Collection Instructions
Dear club secretary, we are only a few days away from the end of another exciting season. As in the past few years there will be no actual presentation day this year. Teams that have come winners or runners up in their division in the U12-U18 age groups will receive medals accordingly. U12 will be 13 medals and U13-U18 will be 16 medals.
They will be available for collection on Sunday 21st May 2023 between 10am and 2pm at Westfield FC.
See full details below. Were clubs have won in different age groups and divisions etc. one person form each club will be expected to take everything for that club not an individual team. Directions for Westfield can be found below.
If more than the allocated number are required then clubs can order extras online following the link below at the cost of £12 per item. Please note the deadline on there. Click here to order Extra Trophies
Please ensure you managers etc are made aware of this. If anyone has any questions please contact Frank Thompson
The Community Building, Woking Park, Kingfield Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9BA
The postcode for your satnav to Westfield FC is GU22 9BA
By Car from the North, M25, Chertsey
The ground is situated opposite Woking FC’s Kingfield Stadium, next to Woking Leisure Centre, midway between the town centre and Old Woking.
Leave the M25 at junction 11 (Chertsey) and follow the A320 for just over 5 miles until you reach Woking town centre.
The A320 dual-carriageway (Victoria Way) will take you around the main shopping area and is signposted to Guildford. Follow the A320 under the railway arch and on towards Guildford.
After 3/4 mile, at the bottom of the hill, the A320 turns sharp right. At this point, go straight ahead onto Claremont Avenue (one-way) signposted A247 to Dorking, Old Woking & Leisure Centre.
At the end of Claremont Avenue, the road turns left over the bridge, and the approach road to the Leisure Centre is immediately next left, opposite the entrance to Woking Football Club.
By Car from the South, Guildford & A3
The A320 runs north from Guildford town centre and the A3 for 4.5 miles to the Turnoak roundabout in the residential outskirts of Woking, which is the junction with the A247 to Dorking. It’s the sixth roundabout from the Stoke traffic lights (A25), if you’re counting them! There you will need to turn right, signposted Old Woking & Leisure Centre.
There is an unusual junction (Give Way) just before the road bridge after 1/4 mile, and the approach road for the Leisure Centre is just on the left over the bridge.