12,000 Players Regsitered

Posted on: Wednesday 22nd February 2017

12,000 players registered in season 2016/17

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Transfer Deadline Day

Posted on: Wednesday 22nd February 2017

The last day or transfers is February 28th and the last day for registrations is March 31st

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Cup Final Program Submission

Posted on: Wednesday 22nd February 2017

Congratulations to all teams that have reached this year's Cup finals

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Respect Pilot Survey Results

Posted on: Friday 10th February 2017

Hi Everyone Please find below a link for the results of the survey that over 1100 members of league participated in. When we run such a focused pilot, in...

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Respect Pilot Survey

Posted on: Friday 30th December 2016

As a participant in the Surrey Youth League (Club Official, Referee, Manager / Assistant, Pitch Marshall, Linesman, Parent) can you please take the time to complete the survey below.

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Chairmans League Update

Posted on: Wednesday 28th December 2016

I hope you have all had a great Christmas, far too much to eat and drink, and no doubt now getting ready burn those calories off with the kids...

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Safeguarding – Play Your Part

Posted on: Sunday 4th December 2016

I am writing to ask for your help today in sharing some important information about safeguarding children. As a club official you are in a unique position to use...

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Surrey youth latest news

NSPCC and the FA launch dedicated helpline

Posted on: Sunday 4th December 2016

Given the serious information that continues to come to light regarding child abuse in football, The FA has commissioned a dedicated NSPCC helpline for adults who were victims of...

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Mini Soccer Referee Workshop

Posted on: Sunday 4th December 2016

The Surrey Youth League and the SCW&GL are pleased to announce that SYL Referee Development officer Steve Worsley has arranged a Mini Soccer Referee Workshops for both leagues on:...

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FA Respect awards given to the Surrey youth league