Respect Pilot update

Respect Pilot Season 2016-2017 Summary

Posted on: Sunday 21st May 2017

The League would like to thank every club, team, manager, spectator and above all the players for helping to publicise the need to improve the Sunday morning experience. Attached...

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AGM Notice – Mon 5th June

Posted on: Saturday 22nd April 2017

Hi everyone Please make a note that the AGM will be held at Imber Court on Monday 5th June 2017. Further information will be sent to Club Secretaries over...

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Surrey youth latest news

Season 2017 – 2018 Application Form

Posted on: Sunday 2nd April 2017

All, please see link below to application form for the 2017/18 season. The process is completely electronic for next season it needs to be completed online and payment made...

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Respect Pilot Survey Results

Posted on: Friday 10th February 2017

Hi Everyone Please find below a link for the results of the survey that over 1100 members of league participated in. When we run such a focused pilot, in...

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Respect Pilot Survey

Posted on: Friday 30th December 2016

As a participant in the Surrey Youth League (Club Official, Referee, Manager / Assistant, Pitch Marshall, Linesman, Parent) can you please take the time to complete the survey below.

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Chairmans League Update

Posted on: Wednesday 28th December 2016

I hope you have all had a great Christmas, far too much to eat and drink, and no doubt now getting ready burn those calories off with the kids...

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FA Respect awards given to the Surrey youth league